Page not found (404)

Такой страницы не существует.
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Raised by: catalog.views.resolver.resolver

Using the URLconf defined in system.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

  1. ^user/
  2. ^cart/
  3. ^checkout/
  4. ^ajax_select/
  5. ^manage/
  6. ^manage
  7. ^catalog/
  8. ^redactor/
  9. ^robots\.txt$ [name='robots']
  10. ^prom\.csv$ [name='prom']
  11. ^favicon\.ico$
  12. ^sitemap\.xml$ [name='sitemap']
  13. ^sitemap\.html$ [name='sitemaphtml']
  14. ^search [name='search']
  15. ^stuff\.html [name='search']
  16. ^1c/
  17. ^Новинки [name='latest']
  18. ^new [name='latest']
  19. ^Акции [name='special']
  20. ^sale [name='special']
  21. ^Лидеры_продаж [name='bests']
  22. ^bestsellers [name='bests']
  23. ^О_нас [name='about']
  24. ^О_магазине [name='about_shop']
  25. ^o-magazine [name='about_shop']
  26. ^igrushki-optom [name='toys']
  27. ^Оплата_и_доставка [name='pay_and_delivery']
  28. ^oplata-i-dostavka [name='pay_and_delivery']
  29. ^sertifikati [name='sertificates']
  30. ^Книга_отзывов [name='guestbook']
  31. ^guestbook [name='guestbook']
  32. ^Контакты [name='contacts']
  33. ^kontakti [name='contacts']
  34. ^Доставка [name='delivery']
  35. ^Отзывы [name='reviews']
  36. ^useful_articles\.html [name='articles']
  37. ^ ^$ [name='index']
  38. ^(?P<slug>.*) [name='catalog']

The current path, %D0%9D%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8, matched the last one.

You’re seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard 404 page.